Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Josh Stites will not seek reelection

Josh Stites
Yesterday, Josh Stites announced he would not be seeking reelection to the Metro Council. In my view, Josh Stites is one of the best councilmen to ever have served our city. He is solidly and consistently conservative and thoughtful and well-informed.

I knew there was a strong likelihood he would not seek reelection. He told me several weeks ago that he may not run, but I was hoping he would reconsider and decide to run. We need people like Josh in the Council. While I wish he was seeking reelection, I fully understand his reasoning for not doing so. Serving in the Council, if one works hard at the job and studies the issues and is faithful in serving one's constituents, is almost a full-time job and it can take a toll on family and career. 

I appreciate his service and wish him well. Below is the email where he announced his decision not to seek reelection.

Each of you played a part in helping me get elected to the Metro Council in 2011. Either through your time, talent or treasure you believed in what I set out to do. Sometimes I was successful and sometimes I was not. But I learned a lot along the way and I hope the people of Nashville are better off because of my efforts. Thank you for your help. Below is an email I will be sending out to the voters of District 13 later. I wanted you to know and thank you for helping me have this extraordinary opportunity. I will forever be grateful.


District 13 Neighbors and Friends,

Being elected to serve as your representative on the Metro Council has been one of the high honors of my life. However much has changed in the past four years, I have changed careers and Jenny and I had our first son in April. While being involved in our form of government is important, there is nothing more important to me than being a husband and dad. So, in order to make time for the things I value most, I have decided not to seek reelection this August. This isn’t a decision I make lightly. The campaigning and serving in this capacity has been a great experience, one I will cherish for a lifetime. Thank you for this opportunity!

Finally, after having a front row seat to self-governance the past four years, I want to encourage you to consider the words of Thomas Jefferson.

“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”

If we are to remain free and prosperous it will require unyielding effort to be informed, involved and active in shaping our government. But it’s a fight worth having.

Thanks again,

Josh Stites

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