Friday, February 06, 2015

Local Campaign Financial Reports to be online!

I just got off the phone with Councilman Tim Garrett who told me that he had just spoken to Davidson County Election Administrator Ken Wall who told him that starting Monday, "barring unforeseen cliches," the election commission would begin scanning and uploading local campaign finance reports and posting them on the election commission's website.

Councilman Garrett called the Commission with my concern after getting my letter to the Council in which I asked the Council to take action to get local campaign financial reports posted online.  Federal campaign finance reports and State campaign finance reports are easily available online and I think local campaign finance reports should be also. I want to know who is funding which candidates for major and council and who is winning the fund raising wars and who has the money to be considered a serious candidate.

I want to thank Councilman Tim Garrett for promptly responding to my letter and taking action to address my concern.  I commend Ken Wall and the election commission for taking action that will lend greater transparency to the local democratic process.

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