Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Mayoral Forum Sunday Feb. 22nd hosted by NOAH at 15th Ave. Babtist Church

There will be another mayor forum next Sunday sponsored by an organization called NOAH.

With a name like Nashville Organized for Action and Hope, and the other code words they use one
Mike Hodge
can assume this is a very liberal organization.  I am not sure if he is the Executive Director of not, but long time community organizer and former employee of the Neighborhood Resource Center, Mike Hodge is associated with this group.  Candidates should be prepared for some question that will put them on record as advocating a very "progressive" agenda. There will probably be questions about gentrification, diversity and affirmative action, community police relations, and affordable housing. I expect some candidates for mayor will loose points with me at this forum. It will be interesting to see who panders least and if there is a conservative among those running for Mayor.

NOAH is classified as a religious corporation by the Secretary of States office and has been around since 1991 under the name Tying Nashville Together.

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