Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Request for Funding of Neighborhood Resource Center withdrawn!

RESOLUTION NO. RS2014-1316 which is on tonight's Council meeting agenda and would appropriate $100,000 to the Neighborhood Resource Center is to be withdrawn at the request of the sponsor, Scott Davis.  At last night's Budget and Finance Committee meetings this was announced.  It is the first item of business in the below video. 

NRC is an organization that engages in community organizing and while much of their work is non-ideological and non-partisan, what they do is still political and not charitable. Occasionally they engage in left wing activism as they did in 2011 when they joined Code Pink and MoveOn.org to sponsor a workshop that advocated an agenda of various liberal objectives. 

The organization had recently lost their United Way funding and ran into other difficulty and had laid off staff. Long time staff member Mike Hodge who was the person most identified with NRC left the agency in July and now is chief organizer for a group called Nashville Organized for Action and Hope (NOAH).

The resolution requesting funding for NRC had been pending for several months and deferred several times.

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