Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Beacon Center Awards Inaugural "Beacon Opportunity Scholarship"

NASHVILLE – Today, the Beacon Center of Tennessee awarded the first ever Beacon Opportunity
Scholarship to 8th grader Madison Ott of Knoxville. Madison was awarded the scholarship based on her essay explaining how school choice would help her realize her dreams by providing her with a quality education. The scholarship will provide Madison with a four-year education at a private high school of her family's choice.
By offering this opportunity scholarship, Beacon has decided to lead by example in the fight for educational choice. Unfortunately, Beacon can only help one student while the Tennessee legislature has the opportunity to help thousands of children.
Beacon Center CEO Justin Owen explains, "Just like we’ve helped Madison obtain the education she deserves, I want to once again call on our state lawmakers to do the same for thousands of children across our state who are in need of a quality education. By passing the Tennessee Choice & Opportunity Scholarship Act, we can begin to fund children, not systems, and ensure that no Tennessee child falls through the cracks."

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