Friday, February 06, 2015

The Christ Church Cathedral Mayoral Forum, Sunday, February 8th at 3PM.

The Christ Church Cathedral Mayoral Forum will be Sunday, February 8th at 3PM. All but one of the mayoral candidates have confirmed they will attend. The forum is expected to end at 4:30. The Cathedral leadership has asked candidates to include remarks in their presentation that would address these topics:

  • poverty and affordable housing in a growing Nashville
  • the relation of church and city during the next mayor's administration
  • the commitment to civility in political dialogue and discourse in the next election cycle
This is a great opportunity to become better informed and judge the candidates. An added bonus is that this forum takes place in a awe inspiring sitting. If you have never attended an event at Christ Church Cathedral, this is worth attending just to sit in the pews for a while.

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