Saturday, March 28, 2015

Kathleen Starnes seeks position of Chairman of the Tennessee Republican Party

Kathleen Starnes has announced she is seeking the office of Chairman of the Republican Party of Tennessee.

Go Kathleen, Go!!

I could not be more pleased. I am enthusiastically supporting her candidacy. Kathleen Starnes made a great Chairman of the Davidson County Republican Party. She is qualified, hardworking, knowledgeable and capable and a great friend. She plays well with others. She advanced the Republican Party in the Democrat stronghold of Nashville. Below is her announcement. I deleted her phone number at my own initiative to protect her from unwanted phone calls, but I am sure if you email her, she will return you call. Rod

Kathleen Starnes
614 Summerwind Circle
Nashville, TN 37215
March 2015

Greetings to my fellow Republicans!

Under the leadership of Chairman Chris Devaney and his outstanding staff, the Republican Party in Tennessee has made tremendous progress. As a past Chairman of the Davidson County Republican Party, I pledge to work with leaders across Tennessee in advancing the causes and principles dear to the GOP. Most immediately would be to elect and re-elect Republicans to the Tennessee General Assembly, elect a Republican President in 2016 and to continue advancing Red to the Roots. I promise to only serve out this term and not run in December 2016.

2009-2013 Chairman of the Davidson County Republican Party (DCRP):
  • Introduced a successful Chairman’s Circle ($1000 per couple)
• Established GOP Breakfast outreach across the county
• Worked on local, state and national campaigns
• Raised funds to keep the DCRP in the black
• Tennessee Republican Party Global Engagement Team 2013-present
• Romney Delegate National Republican Convention 2012
• RNC Blacktop to Blackboard 2012
• Tennessee Republican Party Victory 2012
• Charter Member Middle Tennessee Republican Women in 2014
• Past Board Member and Treasurer of the Nashville Republican Women
• Served as 1st Vice Chair of the DCRP in 2007-2009 Davidson County Poll Inspector

Commission and Boards
Governor appointee to the Tennessee Council for Interstate Adult Offender Supervision;
Charter board member of Tennessee Voices for Victims;
Current member of the Advisory Board of the Rochelle Center;
Former Board member of the American Red Cross, Bethlehem Centers of Nashville, Watkins Institute of Design, You Have the Power, Dress for Success and the Friends of Metro General Hospital.

Business Experience: Owner of Southern Scientific (healthcare) - 1997 - present, K.M.Starnes & Associates (Event Planner), 8 years and Head of Special Events for the Mayor’s office, Nashville

Hobbies -skeet shooting, painting, travel, calligraphy, reading, and spending time with my husband, Larry Maxwell, my family, friends, my Bichons (Belle and Angel). and enjoying 2 granddaughters. Active member of the Cathedral of the Incarnation.

I look forward to talking to each of you in the near future.

Other people mentions for the position  Vanderbilt professor Carolyn Swain, who says, ""I have not actively pursued the state party chairmanship, but I find the opportunity intriguing." State Rep. Ryan Haynes of Knoxville has declared his candidacy.  Rebecca Ann Burke, a sitting state executive committee member, is also being mentioned as a potential candidate. Former state Rep. Joe Carr of Rutherford County, who lost a bid to replace Devaney in  December
says he’s not decided whether to seek the position or not.

The Executive Committee of the Tennessee Republican Party will select a new Chairman at its April 11 meeting.

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