Monday, March 02, 2015

Nashville GOP 2015 Caucus & Convention

A message from the Chairman:

To Everyone:

I needed to send out a message to clarify dates, times, & place for the election of the Davidson County Republican Party Officers. Yes, it's that time again, when we as Republicans have the opportunity to elect our Board Members and Leadership. There seems to be some misinformation as to dates, time, and place, so I hope this will act as an unofficial notification until the official notice is posted.

The Caucus will be held as follows:

March 14, 2015 Caucus -Ed Jones Auditorium - Ellington Agricultural Center 8AM to 12 PM (Watch the notification for cut-off time to register) (You must become a delegate to vote at the following Saturday's Convention, so the Caucus is important for that status)

March 21, 2015 Convention - (You must be a delegate to vote at the Convention) Ed Jones Auditorium - Ellington Agricultural Center 8AM to 12 PM

Note: Anyone seeking to run for a County Party office, please contact Ed Smith ( via email for the Contest & Credentials Committee to get a jump on qualifying you as a candidate. Last but not least, I have enjoyed the past two years as your Chairman and will be running for re-election as the Party Chairman at the Convention.

Best wishes to all,
Robert Duvall

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