Monday, March 23, 2015

Ramsey: Dickerson Could Be Convincing on Taking Next Step on Medical Marijuana

Discussing a couple of medical cannabis proposals with reporters in his office, Lt Gov. Ron Ramsey says he's in favor of the bill to legalize low-THC cannabis oil for use in treating intractable seizures in Tennesseans.

Below is a an excerpt from Nashville Post on the medical Marijuana bill being co-sponsored by Senator Steve Dickerson:

Dickerson, an anesthesiologist, is the only Republican of three senators representing Davidson County.
“There are a number of illnesses which medical science has not gotten enough answers for yet, so as a physician, I’m always interested in exploring new options for my patients,” said Dickerson. “One might think if it was a life-threatening illness you might be a little bit more willing to be experimental. If it’s something that’s less of, then you’ll probably be a little bit more mundane in your treatment.” (link)
I am pleased to see this proposal advance and pleased to see Senator Dickson sponsoring it. Apparently, cannabis oil has proven effective treating seizures and its use for that purpose has been endorsed by the Epilepsy foundation.

Actually, I think marijuana is relatively harmless and we should legalize recreational use of marijuana but we should certainly allow the medical use of marijuana.  Legalizing cannabis oil is a very small step and is a much more modest step than allowing general medical marijuana for treatment of an array of  medical reasons, such as combating nausea in cancer patients, but it is a start.  I commend Senator Dickson for taking the lead on this issue.

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