Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Rand Paul is going to announce his bid for President on April 7th

Various news sources report that Rand Paul's campaign team is on the phone telling supporters that on April 7th Rand Paul will announce his bid for President on April 7th in Louisville Kentucky at the Galt House. (Is this significant that "Rand" will make an announcement from the "Galt" house? Is this just coincidence? Now, play the Twilight Zone music.)

Supporters from Kentucky and surrounding states are being encouraged to attend the announcement. Louisville is about 3 hours from Nashville and a group will be going from Nashville, probably carpooling or renting a van or a bus. For more information, go to this Facebook page.

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1 comment:

  1. anyone remember Rand going across Kentucky urging folks to vote for his "conservative" soul mate McConnell.

    I won't forget. Can't be trusted. Either his judgement is wrong or he is part of the problem.
