Friday, April 17, 2015

Blackburn backs tax fairness for Tennessee families

Blackburn backs tax fairness for Tennessee families
Rep. Marsha Blackburn

“Hard-working Tennesseans pay their share of taxes just like citizens of every other state,” Blackburn said. “They should not be punished because they pay state and local sales taxes rather than an income tax.”

If passed, the State and Local Sales Tax Deduction Fairness Act would institute the ability for Tennessee residents to deduct their state and local sales tax from their federal income tax.

“I am so pleased to join my colleagues in pushing forward legislation to provide tax fairness for hard-working taxpayers who live in non-state income tax states,” Blackburn said. “Making permanent the sales tax deduction, line 5B of a federal income tax form, is an issue Congressman Brady and I have been working for over a decade now.” Backed by Blackburn along with Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), the House will vote on the act later this week.

“I hear from constituents every single day who are fed up with the unfairness and the overreach of the IRS,” Blackburn said. “They are sick and tired of working so hard to live within their means and sending money to a government that refuses to live within its means. It’s basically immoral.”

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