Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Grant Starrett to challenge Scott Desjarlais

In Case You Missed It: National Journal: "Who's the 27-Year-Old Republican Challenging Rep. Scott DesJarlais?" 

Grant Starrett
Press Release MURFREESBORO, Tenn.-  National Journal is up with a piece today looking at the "eye-catching" levels of support that Grant Starrett has received in his run for Congress: "That's Grant Starrett, whose recent campaign launch earned praise from well-known conservative pundits like RedState's Erick Erickson, National Review's Ramesh Ponnuru, and Power Line's Paul Mirengoff. Ted Cruz's pollster, former Republican National Committee staffers, and conservative activists joined an eye-catching collection of people tweeting about a young, first-time candidate.

Starrett has motive, means, and opportunity to win a congressional seat, though. He's made allies across Republican politics who insist he'll be a formidable campaigner and fundraiser. And DesJarlais, a physician and third-term Tennessee Republican, has faced political trouble since decade-old divorce proceedings became public in late 2012, detailing sexual relationships with patients and coworkers-some of whom he urged to have abortions.

In announcing his campaign last week, Starrett made a passing reference to the fact that DesJarlais was the only member of Tennessee's congressional delegation who wasn't endorsed by National Right to Life, but he otherwise criticized DesJarlais for votes against balanced budgets and on other fiscal issues. When asked how much Starrett's campaign would call attention to DesJarlais's personal issues, spokesman Mark Braden said in a statement that the campaign will focus on how DesJarlais's 'liberal voting record in Washington does not add up to his rhetoric when he is back in the district.'"


What They Are Saying About Grant Starrett 

Paul Mirengoff, Founder of Powerline: "Starrett is a rising conservative star...It's clear to me that Grant is the kind of energetic, talented Constitutional conservative we will need to preserve the House of Representatives as a bulwark against the left's "transformative" agenda and, should circumstances permit, to make it the engine of conservatism transformation." (Powerline, 3.26.15)

Erick Erickson, Editor in Chief of RedState: "Here's what I know: Grant is a man of character and conviction.  He is a constitutional conservative of the highest order," (RedState, 4.2.15)

Ramesh Ponnuru, Senior Editor of National Review: "I've met Starrett and was impressed by his intelligence and commitment to conservative causes," (National Review, 4.2.15) ...

Ponnuru: "[Grant] would be a tremendous improvement." (Twitter, 3.9.15)

The Hill: "Starrett's statement notes that in 2014, the National Right to Life group endorsed every Tennessee Republican up for reelection except DesJarlais." (The Hill, 4.2.15)

Powerline: "He would be a welcome addition to the Hill at a time when the world is increasingly dangerous but too many members still do not understand the importance of a strong defense to handle and deter rising threats." (Powerline, 3.26.15)

 Huffington Post: "Starrett bills himself as a conservative Christian who intends to run against DesJarlais from his right. He has picked up some support from the conservative blogosphere," (Huffington Post, 4.2.15)

Chattanooga Times Free Press: "[Grant] once worked at the Senate Steering Committee under then-U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint, a hard-right Republican who is now president of the conservative Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank in Washington." (Chattanooga Times Free Press, 4.2.15)

Nashville Post: "Starrett said that while DesJarlais "claims" to be the the most conservative member of the Tennessee Congressional delegation, the congressman has "voted against legislation that would have balanced our budget, cut wasteful spending, implemented pro-growth tax reform, and put our country on a path to prosperity."  (Nashville Post, 4.2.15)

Murfeesboro News Press: "Starrett appears to be running to the right of DesJarlais, whose voting record doesn't match his rhetoric, the challenger said. "We lack people in power with conservative principles," he said." (Murfreesboro News Press, 4.3.15) Associated Press: "[Starrett] said he wants to be elected to Congress to help fight a "moral crisis" facing the country." (Associated Press, 4.3.15)

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