Wednesday, April 15, 2015

How to get business with Metro if you are not Black or female.

I have not watched this and I won't. I am not a small business man. I am not looking for work.

Here is how it really works: If you are the sole proprietor of a family business, name your wife, daughter or trusted girl friend as "President" of the company and you be her employee, or form two companies, and she is "President" of the company when trying to get metro work.

If you are a small businessman, say for instance you own a janitorial service or a brick laying company and you run one crew and the other crew is run by a Black man who does a good job, then let the Black man be the company president when trying to get metro work and you be his employee. I have seen it happen. Don't pass up the opportunity for preferential treatment just because you are a white male.  It also helps if you have influential friends.

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