Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Jeremy Kane "extreamly disappointed" State Failed to Grant In-State Tuition to "Dreamers"

Jeremy Kane
Kane Press Release - Nashville is responsible for educating one of the largest populations of undocumented children in the State of Tennessee. We undertake this responsibility because it is first and foremost the right thing to do, but we also know that our new immigrant neighbors are part of the reason Nashville is thriving today. We dedicate millions of dollars in resources making sure all of Nashville's children are college and career ready. I have seen first-hand the progress and success of these students and their families. I have sat in their living rooms, worked with them in the classroom, and graduated 100% of seniors at LEAD Academy. Many seniors hope to attend one of Tennessee’s great colleges or universities. Today, the Tennessee House of Representatives put another hurdle in their way.
I am extremely disappointed that the Tennessee House of Representatives failed to pass legislation that would make undocumented children eligible for in-state tuition and thus rendering null and void much of our daily education efforts. What is more painful is that this extraordinary legislative loss was delivered at the hands of several Davidson County representatives who know, or should know, the daily struggle of these kids and their hope to contribute to our community. I want to thank Rep. Harold Love, Rep. John Ray Clemmons, Rep. Jason Powell, Rep. Sherry Jones, Rep. Brenda Gilmore, Rep. Bill Beck, and Rep. Mike Stewart for their presence and courageous vote this afternoon.
As Mayor I will ask for this legislation to be taken up again. At the time of the vote, I will do whatever I can to make sure our entire delegation is present. Our kids and our community deserve nothing less.

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