Sunday, April 05, 2015

Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey, speaker at 1st Tuesday, April 7th.

From Tim Skow, host of First Tuesday:

1ST TUESDAY members and friends

Legislative Plaza currently has the activity level of Florida beaches during Spring Break. Word is the

Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey
2015 Legislature will wrap up in April. IF SO... then our April guest has MUCH to say grace over NOW !!

The 1st friend of 1ST TUESDAY ... TN Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey returns to 1ST TUESDAY next Tuesday, April 7th ! [ at Lt. Gov. Ramsey's 1st 1ST TUESDAY visit 8 years ago .... we had a BIG crowd .... of less than 30 ! ]


Is INSURE TN really coming back again in some form?
Is AMP really coming back again in some form ?
Is there going to be GUNS in parks in some form?
Is there going to be a BUDGET that includes what you care about in some form ?

Is your SUV being used by St. Senate Democrats to have Democrat Senate Caucus meetings in ? [ Is there any way of keeping Jeff Yarbro in The SUV and out of The Tennessean ??? ]

WHAT ELSE do you want to hear about ??? NEEDLESS to say... there will be sooooo much more to discuss....and Lt. Gov Ramsey is the man with answers !

As usual, doors will open at 11:00AM at Waller Law - 511 Union Street - 27th floor for Coffee and Social time. Lunch starts at 11:30 and is still $20 for Members and $25 for Guests. Our program will start at Noon with Q & A ending at 1:00PM sharp!

Expect a significant number of "Guests from Legislative Plaza"... and maybe from some notable Departments. Expect a significant number of top-tier candidates for Metro Council you are going to want to meet and help elect !!! INVITE your friends...and SECURE your seats by visiting our website and clicking on " Join US" at!!

EXPECT TO MEET MANY of the candidates for Metro Council we want to win in August !

See you on Tuesday, April 7th at 1ST TUESDAY !!
Tim Skow Host of 1ST TUESDAY

PS -- Save the Evening of April 22nd when Lt. Gov Ramsey will be hosting an event for his Special Guest, Sam Brownback, the former US Senator and now newly re-elected Gov of Kansas !!

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