Friday, April 10, 2015

Public input sought on New Director of Schools. Share your opinion.

To take the survey go to:

I am afraid, Metro schools are on the verge of taking a step back instead of advancing recent reforms.  I want a director who will embrace reform, rigorously tough academic standards, and parental choice.  I want someone who is welcoming to charter schools, magnet schools, scholarship programs, and who is willing to learn from the success of charter schools and implement in all our public schools the same things that have made charter schools a success .  I want someone who will stand up to the teachers union and stand up to those who accept failing schools.  I want someone who embraces the concept of making the school principal the CEO of his school and giving that school principal greater authority and responsibility and holding that principal accountable for the performance of his school. I want a director who will replace principals who are not improving their schools. I want a director who will advocate for less micro-management from central office.

I think we should hire a director who has a good track record of taking a bad school district and turning it into a great school district. I am not too concerned about someone focused on building consensus and a collaborative approach to decision making.  I want someone with a vision that Nashville can have great schools and is not afraid to hurt feeling, bruise egos, or ruffle feathers in the process to make it happen. I want a strong leader.

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