Saturday, April 11, 2015

State Representative Ryan Haynes Elected as the New Chairman of the Tennessee Republican Party

Ryan Haynes
Press Release, NASHVILLE, Tenn.— The State Executive Committee of the Tennessee Republican Party today met in the state’s capital to select Knoxville State Representative Ryan Haynes as the new TNGOP Chairman. The special meeting was called after the March 23rd announcement that Chairman Chris Devaney would be stepping down effective April 11th.

Haynes prevailed on the first ballot. Other candidates for the position included SEC Member Rebecca Burke, State Representative Mary Littleton, and Vanderbilt Professor Carol Swain. “I am excited to take on this challenge and humbled by the support of the State Executive Committee,” said Chairman Haynes. “I want to pick up right where Chairman Devaney left off: building our Party, maintaining and growing our strong financial advantage over our opponents, and getting as many votes as possible for our GOP nominees.”

Devaney remarked, “There is no doubt in my mind Ryan will be a fantastic chairman for the Party. The TNGOP is in as strong of a position as we have ever been heading into a presidential election cycle. It has been an honor to serve this organization and be part of its rise to dominance in Tennessee. I look forward to working with Chairman Haynes to ensure our success continues.”

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