Thursday, April 02, 2015

Statement from Bill Freeman on Insure Tennessee defeat

Press Release, NASHVILLE, Tenn. – By not even allowing Insure Tennessee to get out of committee recently, the Tennessee State Senate has once, again in the name of political grandstanding, refused to help the over 470,000 estimated individuals, working families and veterans across Tennessee in need of insurance. The state has already turned away over $1 billion dollars of tax dollars that rightfully belong to Tennesseans in need, including thousands right here in Nashville, and with the Senate’s lack of action yesterday means the state will continue sending those federal tax dollars paid in by Tennesseans, to help those in other states.
It is shameful that politics have gotten in the way of helping our fellow Tennesseans in need. While Insure Tennessee is still alive in the House, it is unlikely to escape a similar fate should it get back to the Senate. The hospitals and health facilities here in Nashville and across the state on the brink of closing deserved better than this, and the hundreds of thousands of Tennesseans suffering without the insurance their federal tax dollars have already paid for deserved better.
It is my hope that going forward, what is best for all the people of Tennessee will be the ultimate desire of our legislature. That is what voters expect when they elect those who represent them in government offices, and if privileged enough to become Nashville’s next mayor that is exactly what the citizens of Davidson County will get – A mayor not concerned about agendas, but concerned about how to make our beloved city a great place for them to work, play and be proud to call home.

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