Thursday, April 30, 2015

Which candidates for Metro Council have the $ and Who is contributing to the Council District races (District 13-23)

I have reviewed the campaign financial disclosure reports of candidates for Metro Council for districts one through 23. I previously reported on what I found of interest in districts 1-12 and you can find that report at this link.

One thing I found that is very interesting is that there are a lot of progressives running for Metro Council.  Nashville has always been a Democrat town.  Years ago, when I served on the Council, I had to keep my Republican identity a secret. So, on the one hand, things are better than then; a few Republicans can get elected.  On the other hand, some of the Democrat's of that day were conservative Democrats. Most people may have been Democrats but they were not very ideological. The Council is a non-partisan body and  although almost all members of the Council may have identified themselves as Democrats, they were not very partisan. Now, I see lots of people running for office who are being supported, not by friends and neighbors, but by individuals and organizations with a very progressive agenda.  Several of the candidates are supported by the GLBT (gay) movement.  Several of the candidates are having lots of money funneled into their campaign by state-wide Democrat PAC's.  Apparently the State Democrat establishment is determined to keep their stronghold of Nashville. 

Another interesting thing is that their are lots of real estate agents, developers, lobbyist and attorney's contributing to candidates.  I don't know that that is new, but it is very obvious.  What are the contributors expecting to get for their money?

Another thing I find interesting is that Republican PAC's and Republican activist are not funding hardly anyone. Republicans are not taking this Council race seriously. I feel that Nashville is destined to become the "San Francisco of the South" unless Republicans get in the the game.  We can expect more and more public policy that is politically correct and more and more reckless spending unless conservatives and moderates engage. We are on the verge of having the most progressive, ideologically liberal council in our city's history. It is not too late for people to still get in the race. In fact, the race has hardly begun. There are lots of State Republican senators and State Representatives with their own PAC's. Republican activist and the Party needs to quickly recruit some good candidates and those with money, need to fund those candidates.

What I found that is of interest to me in districts 13- 23 is reported below. Please know that I do not know everyone who is significant and do not know all of the political connections. I encourage you to review the reports for yourself if you are interested. You can find the reports at this link. If you find a connection that you think is noteworthy, please leave a comment.

Also, some people share the same name. If I listed a John Doe as contributing to a candidate and assumed it was a particular John Doe but got it wrong, please correct me.

The "initial" report is for the period prior to January 16 and that report was to be filed by February 10.  If a candidate had raised any money prior to January 16th they were supposed to file an initial report. No candidate was permitted to raise money prior to the appointment of a campaign treasurer. The "First quarter" is the period January 16th through March 31st and that report was to be filed by April 10th.

Please check back. I will be reporting on the rest of the district campaigns shortly.

District 13

  • Futesha Carter: She filed no initial report. The 1st quarter report shows receipts of $1,124 which includes a loan from the candidate to her campaign of $1,000 and an ending balance on hand of $854. There are no itemized contributions reported.
District 14
  • Keven Rhoten: The initial report shows $5,900 receipts and the 1st quarter shows receipts of $3,145 for an ending balance on hand of $5,650. Contributors include Geraldine Rhoten, $1,000; Kenneth Rhoten; $1,000; Bethany Rhoten, $200; and Kevin Rhoten contributed $700 to his own campaign. Garland Knott of Hermitage contributed $1,500; Floyd Shecter whose occupation is real estate, $1,000; Elizabeth Millspaps, a lobbyist with Southern Strategy Group, $200; Waller Lansden PAC, $150; Robert Mathews, President of The Mathews Company, $250; CORPAC (Corporate PAC) located at 511 Union St, Ste 1400, whose chairman is Brackney Reed, who is also the COO of Gresham, Smith and Partner, $250. He got an in-kind contribution from John Hobbs for $250 for beverages for the campaign kick-off. Hobbs is active in Democrat politics and is former owner of The Nashville Palace and owner of John A’s on Music Valley Dr. He got an in-kind contribution of $335 from Joslin Sign Company and an in-kind of $1,392 from Jeff Halfacre for campaign kickoff catering.

District 15
  • Jeff Syracuse: Initial report shows a beginning balance on hand of $10,795 and receipts of $6,714 (plus in-kind contributions of $6,280). The first quarter report shows receipts of $685 for an ending balance on hand of $14,149. Thomas and Adele Syracues contributed $1,000.  Don Jordon, owner of Jordan Properties contributed $700; Waller Lansden PAC, $250; CORPAC, (Corporate PAC) located at 511 Union St, Ste 1400, whose chairman is Brackney Reed, who is also the COO of Gresham, Smith and Partner, $250.
District 16
  • Michael Freeman: He filed no initial report. The 1st quarter report shows unitemized receipts of $200 and no expenditures.
District 17
  • Chris Cotton: He filed no initial report. The 1st quarter report shows receipts of $21,304 and a balance on hand of $14,906. He shows in-kind contributions of $4,610, Expenditures show $2,065 for staff. Contributors include Sean Overbeeke whose occupation is TV Producer who contributed $1500. Ronald Castro, a retired investor contributed $1500 and Linda Castro, retired, of the same address as Ronald Castro, contributed $1,500. Matt Moran, a corporate trainer from Milwaukee WI contributed $1500. Other contributors are several people in the entertainment industry such as TV producers and directors and people employed in video production and a bunch of attorneys. Joni Priest, $400; George Gruhn, owner of Gruhn Guitars, $100; Mary Frances Rudy of the Rudy Sausage family, associated with some Music Valley enterprises and supporter of Democrats, $100.
  • Paula Foster: Her initial report shows she raised $10,481. In the 1st quarter she raised $7,036, ending with a balance on hand of $13,086. Anne Carr a lobbyist with Smith and Carr donated $200; Ms Foster donated $501 to her own campaign; George Gruhn, CEO of Gruhn Guitars, $1,000; Jessica Hoke, a social worker with Nashville Cares donated $1,000; and Rusty Lawrence, Executive Director of Urban Housing Solutions donated $250. Jenny Ford, a lobbyist whose firm is J. Ford Government Strategies whose clients include Tennessee Equality Project which advocates for GLBT causes. donated $150. Tony Carlew of Nashville Cares donated $250; Women for TN Future, $300; Lanny West, a self-employed Health Coach donated $1,500. Several people who work at Vanderbilt Medical Center made donations.
  • Colby Sledge: In the initial report he shows receipts of $20,330! In the 1st quarter he raised $10,095 leaving a balance on hand of $27,302. He donated $820 to his own campaign. Sean Braisted, the Communication Director of Megan Barry for Mayor donated $50; Jeff Teague of Planned Parenthood, $50; Councilman Peter Westerholm, $50; Council member of candidate for Mayor Megan Barry, $50; Matt Anderson, Press Secretary, Senate Democratic Caucus at the Tennessee General Assembly donated $100; Metro Councilman Sean McGuire donated $100; Matthew Carney, owner of Smokin Thighs on Wedgewood donated $100; Kathleen Coffen, a media consultant for Democrat candidates donated $100; School Board member Will Pinkston donated $250; Mike Stephens, Chief of Staff Tennessee Senate Democratic Caucus donated $250; Michael Pigott of McNeely Pigott & Fox, $500; State Senator Jeff Yarbro, $500; Zak Kelly. Policy and Research Analyst for House Minority Leader Craig Fitzhugh, $525; Mark Deutschmann owner of Village Real Estate Service, $1000; Britnie Faith Turner of Aerial Development Groups, $1500. Will Cheek, $250; Katy Varney with McNeely Pigott & Fox Public Relations donated $1000; David Shepard, Democrat Tennessee State Representative representing District 69 donated $1000. Three Star PAC donated $1,000. Three Star is a PAC founded by State Sen. Andy Berke of Chattanooga that supports Democrats and mayoral candidate Charles Robert Bone is treasurer.
  • Tony Watson: He did not file an initial report. The 1st quarter report shows receipts of $540 and a balance on hand of $315. Former Metro Councilman and developer Roy Dale contributed $250.
District 18
  • Burkley Allen: The initial report shows a “balance on hand last report of $1,551 and $12,300 raised. The 1st quarter report shows she raised $9,165 for a balance on hand of $21,268. Jeff Eskind contributed $1000 and Donna Eskind of the same address, $1,000. Lobbyist Anne Carr, who you will note also contributed to Paula Foster's campaign in District 17, contributed $250.  Ms Allen donated $1,000 to her own campaign.  Gayle Ray contributed $100; Jan Bushing, $250; former Councilman, lobbyist for environmental causes and member of the Planning Commission Stewart Clifton, $100; and Peter Heidenreich, former Director of public works and lobbyist with Hall Strategies, $100. Judge Claudia Bonnyman contributed $100.  Mark Deutshman, owner of Village Real Estate, who has contributed to multiple campaigns contributed $500.  HG Realty PAC contributed $500.
District 19
  • Freddie O’Connell: In the initial report period he raised $22,335! In his 1st quarter report he raised $13,370, ending the reporting period with $28.467. His expenditures include $3,000 to Emily Ogden for campaign management. He contributed $1500 to his own campaign; Beatrice O’Connell contributed $200; Tim O’Connell, $150; and Patrick O’Connell, $300. Marian T. Ott, member of the MTA Board contributed $250; Mark Deutschmann owner of Village Real Estate Services contributed $250 and Sherry Deutschmann of the same address contributed $250; former candidate for Councilman-at-large Renard Francois, $250, Abby Trotter of Hall Strategies, $250; Democrat State Representative Jason Powell, $250; Waller Lansden PAC, $150; Robert Mathews of The Mathews Company, $250; Thomas Negri, the Director of Metro Human Relations Commission, $250; Democrat State Senator Jeff Yarbro, $500; Jonathan Wing an attorney with the Public Defender’s Office, $250; Britnie Turner, CEO of Aerial Development Group, $125; Michael Schatzlein, CEO of St. Thomas Hospital, $1500, and Elizabeth Schatzlein of the same address, $1500. Joni Priest, $200; Elbert Ventura of Washington D. C., managing editor of the progressive journal Democracy, $300.  
  • Bill Shick: His Initial report shows $100 raised and the 1st quarter report shows $8,274 raised with a balance on hand of $5,334. He loaned his campaign $5,150. Rusty Lawrence, Executive Director of Urban Housing Solutions contributed $250 and Laura Ward, a CPA with Urban Housing Solutions contributed $200. Several attorneys whose names I do not recognize made contribution.
District 20
  • Marisa Frank: She had no initial report. The 1st quarter report shows receipts of $15,150 with a balance on hand of $14,350. A loan is shown or $5,000 and the entity shown making the loan is MNPS of Bransford Ave. This cannot be correct! The Metro Nashville Public Schools cannot loan a candidate money. This has to be an error. Also shown is a loan of $5,000 from the candidate. A total $4,000 is shown coming three different people with the last name “Frank.” Candidates are only required to list by name people who contributed amounts in excess of $100. Several people gave $100 and are not identified by name.
  • Mary Carolyn Roberts: She filed no initial report. The 1st quarter report shows receipts of $27,875, $15,000 of which is a loan from the candidate to her campaign. Michael Hodges, President of Advance Financial gave $1,500 and Tina Hodges, CEO of Advance Financial, of the same address as Michael Hodges contributed $1,500. Rick Williams who owns Nashville Limousine Service and also the government relations company Rick Williams and Associates contributed $500; Joseph Hall, owner of lobbying firm Hall Strategies, contributed $250.
  • Frank Stabile: He filed no initial report. The 1st quarter shows receipts of $5,205, $2,000 of which is a loan from the candidate to his campaign, showing an ending balance of hand of $4,983. Jeff Estepp, a self employed builder contributed $1,000; Mark Deutschmann, owner of Village Real Estate, who has contributed to multiple campaigns contributed $250.  
District 21
  • Leah Dupree: No initial report. The 1st quarter shows receipts of $2,600 and a balance on hand of $2,137. The candidate contributed $200 to her own campaign, Treachery Price, Vice President of College Crib contributed $1000.
  • Edward Kindell: No initial report. The 1st quarter shows receipts of $1,660 and a balance on hand of $1.210. Council member Edith Langster donated $250.
District 22
  • Sheri Weiner: Initial report shows a “Balance on Hand Last Report” of $929 and receipts of $14,250. The expenditures include $13,000 as “Bank Transfer Errors” of $13,000. I do not know what that means. The initial report ending balance on hand is $1,386. The 1st quarter report shows receipts of $6,100, with an ending balance on hand of $6,448. Contributors include Loren Black, who’s occupation is “entertainment,” employed by Larry’s County Diner, $1,000; Waller Lansden PAC, $300; James R Mitchell of “Friends of Bo Mitichell,” $250; former Metro Councilman Erick Crafton, $1,000; Mary Wester, a real estate investor, $100; former Metro Councilman and recent candidate for judge Adam Dread, $25: Metro Councilman Charlie Tygard, $100; Rod Willliams (that’s me), $100; Tootie Haskins, $100.
District 23
  • Thom Druffel: He had no initial report. The 1st quarter report shows receipts of $10,715. Father Joseph Breen retired priest of St. Edwards contributed $100; Frank Ghertner formerly of Ghertner Properties, $250; Ron Franks, Chairman of Hart, Freeland, Roberts, Inc, $100; Senator Douglas Henry, $100; George Armistead, $300; The Greater Nashville Hospitality Association, $1,000; Joan Raskin of Raskin Holdings, $750; Edwin Raskin of Raskin Holdings $750; Jack Corbin, retired, of North Conway, N.H, $1,000; Jennifer Murphy, a lobbyist with Murphy and Associates, $100.  
  • Mina Johnson: Her initial report shows no receipts or expenditures. Her 1st quarter report shows receipts of $14,950, which includes a loan from the candidate to her campaign of $10,000. Gavin Johnson contributed $1,500 and Shizuka Suzuki of the same address also contributed $1,500.

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