Thursday, May 28, 2015

1st Quarter Report on who is contributing to the Linda Rebrovick campaign

Overall, there is nothing of interest to report.
Linda Rebrovick
I have examined Ms Rebrovick's 1st quarter campaign financial disclosure report which is for the period that ended March 31st, 2015, which had a report due date of April 10th. Ms Rebrovick begins the period with $486,268, has receipts of $504,136 and ends the reporting period with a balance on hand of $776,345.  She has loaned her campaign an additional $300,000 for a total loans outstanding of $600,000. The $300,000 loan is included in the total receipts of $501,136. Unitemized contribution of $100 or less come to $12,047.

There is not much of interest in this report. Out of state contributors include Lemuel Lewis of Suffolk, Virginia who is retired and contributed $1,000; Kristin Sharp, of Cincinnati, Ohio, President and CEO of Van Dyk Health who contributed $1,500; Robert Van Dyk, of Ridgewood, New Jersey, contributed $1,000; Michael Sousa, of Bolder, Colorado, Executive with HeatlhSteam, $1,500; Michael Donahue of Haverford Pennsylvania, Director of Preferred LLC, $1,500; and James Powell, of Atlanta, Georgia, CPA with KPMG LLP, $1,000.

Other contributors of interest include Martha Ingram, Chairman Emeritus of Ingram industries and a major Nashville philanthropist who contributed $1,000. Ms Ingran also contributed to other candidates for Mayor, which I do not understand.

The most interesting thing about Ms Rebrovick's campaign financial report is that it is real boring and I don't know any of these people.  She has a few attorneys and a few people in the real estate business, but by no means do they dominate. When you look at Megan Barry's report you immediately notice the number of contributors tied to Vanderbilt University; with Bone's report you notice a prevalence of attorneys; with Freeman you notice that he has a lot of contributors who contribute the maximum of $1,500 and who are names you recognize. With some of the other campaigns you see the names of the court house crowd, lobbyist, advocacy groups, and payday lenders  and the Democrat Party machine and political establishment. Much like Fox's report, Rebrovick's report has nothing to distinguish it.  She has people from a broad cross section of occupations contributing to her campaign. Also, she has very few contributors who contributed the maximum allowable contribution of $1,500 but has a lot of $250 and $500 contributions. Overall, there is noting of interest to report.

Below is my report on Ms Rebrovick's initial campaign financial report.

Ms Rebrovick starts this reporting period with no cash on hand, receives $685,463, spends $172,195, and ends the reporting period with $486,257. $350,000 of funds received is a loan, from herself.

By no means do I claim to be the most knowledgeable political observer in Nashville, so there may be other donors to Ms Rebovick’s campaign that are as significant as those that I notices, so if you want to see for yourself who contributed to her campaign follow this link. If you notice anything of significance please feel free to leave a comment.

Governor Winfield Dunn contributed $500.

Coleen Conway-Welch, retired Dean of Vanderbilt School of Nursing and widow of Ted Welch, one of the largest Republican fund raisers in the nation, contributed $500. She contributed to $3,000 to the Jeremy Kane campaign however.

Oliver C. Carmichael, III CEO of Carmichael & Carmichael contributed $1500. I am not absolutely certain but I believe this is “Crom” Carmichael who some may remember from years ago as the outspoken conservative on the old Teddy Bart Show.

Arthur Laffer, economist who developed the “Laffer Curve," author, and former advisor to President Ronald Reagan, donated $1,000.

Chancellor Carol McCoy gave $1,500. Daman Hininger the CEO of Correction Corporation of American contributed $1,000 and Louise Grant who is Vice President of Corrections Corporation of America gave $,1500. Shirley Zeitlin CEO of Zeitin & Co., $1,000. In addition to the loan to her campaign, Ms Rebrovick gave herself $1,500 and her husband Arthur Rebrovick, Jr contributed $1,500. She got several donations from people with the last name “Eskind.”  She only got a few out of state contribution.

This reporting period ended Jan. 14th and the next reporting period covers the period Jan. 15 through March 31st and is due April 10th. I will be updating my reporting on financial contributions to all the candidates when reports are filed with the election commission and become available.

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