Monday, May 04, 2015

1ST TUESDAY welcomes 2 more 1ST-TIER candidates for MAYOR -- bring your questions for Charles Robert Bone and Jeremy Kane

From Tim Skow:

1ST TUESDAY members, friends and guests... WHAT AN EXCITING TIME IN POLITICS IN NASHVILLE !!! Hope you're ready... cause an avalanche of political ads are about to appear on your TV, blast out from your radio and invade your mail box & computer screens !! [ some will make you wonder if they're talking about us ! ]

BUT..... nothing coming to you via the airwaves can possibly approach meeting top-tier candidates for Mayor in person, sizing them up and asking the questions that REALLY matter to you !!!

On Tuesday, May 5th we welcome Mr. Bone and Mr. Kane to 1ST TUESDAY. Both

Charles Robert Bone
men had compelling personal stories when I met with each of them last week. Both men have supporters who are 1ST TUESDAY members and friends. They see unique futures for our city... different problems...and certainly have different plans to for spending the Nashville's roughly $1,900,000,000 budget !!

Here's what could be your last chance to get up close and to size these 2 candidates up in what will be an interesting and complex environment ! SO...what do want to ask them?

Jeremy Kane
AS "usual"... we will meet at WALLER Law [511 Union St - where parking under the building is just $5 if you let them know you've been at our event]. Doors OPEN at 11AM. Lunch at 11:30 an is still $20 for Members/ $25 for Guests who secure their seats via the 1ST TUESDAY website [ and click on"Join Us" ] Program starts at Noon sharp and our noted Q&A session will end at

Both candidates plan to remain awhile for those of you who wish to talk to them. Hope to see you on Tuesday !
Tim Skow
PLEASE.... if you're coming...register for lunch as soon as possible. It certainly helps with ordering the correct quantities for lunch.

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