Saturday, May 09, 2015

Jeremy Kane is concered we don't all feel relevant

Vote for Jeremy Kane. He will make you feel
Relevant! He will make you feel welcome! Jeremy
Kane will make you feel valued!
Vote Kane - the "feel good" candidate.
Jeremy Kane press release - Mayoral Candidate Jeremy Kane yesterday hosted a group of local community leaders to identify and focus on resolving unique issues and challenges faced by Nashville’s seniors. The meeting was part of a series of working group meetings Kane has convened to foster collaborative thinking on issues of importance to our city.

Rebuilding Together Nashville Executive Director Becky Carter led those in attendance in a lively discussion about how Nashville’s youth and seniors can better collaborate to ensure that all feel relevant, have access to valuable city services and public transportation, and feel safe and welcome in their respective neighborhoods. Also attending were leaders from FiftyForward, the Council on Aging, and the Transit Alliance of Middle Tennessee as well as others who work among seniors.

“I’ve heard concerns raised at my town hall meetings and elsewhere that the contributions of our seniors to the community are not as valued as they should be, and that their rights to quality city services and affordable housing should be more recognized and honored,” said Kane. “These working group events are an effort to bring interested parties around a table to work through issues and share ideas that help us foster the notion that we can create a city where we all can contribute to and participate in our city's success. We will create a 'Nashville Together' when we bring diverse perspectives and people together to solve our common concerns."

Working lunches, such as this, a previous lunch discussing equal pay for women, and upcoming lunches, along with Kane’s “Just Jeremy” town halls are all part of Kane’s efforts to inspire a more cohesive sense of community by highlighting what we can do as "Nashville Together."

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