Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Kenneth Eaton drops out of Nashville's mayoral race

Kenneth Eaton has dropped out of the mayor's race. He has raised no money and his campaign has not gained traction.  He also ran for mayor in 2007 but garnered only 351 votes. I think this is welcome news.  I like Eaton, but he was not a serious candidate and he could have pulled just enough votes to keep someone else from making the run off.  As a result of his being in the race we could have ended up with a choice between two really bad candidates, which we may anyway, but his dropping out of the race lessens the likelihood that will happen.

I would like to encourage Kenneth Eaton to run for a district council seat if that is at all a possibility. If his district does not have a strong common-sense conservative in the race or an incumbent that is absolutely unbeatable, then he should jump in! There is still time. Kenneth Eaton would be a great addition to the metro council.

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