Monday, May 11, 2015

Quarter 1 update on Who is contributing to the Charles Robert Bone campaign.

Charles Robert Bone
A boring campaign report.

I have examined Mr. Bone's 1st quarter report which is for the period that ended March 31st, 2015, which had a report due date of April 10th.

Mr. Bone began the quarter with a balance on hand of $491,557, had receipts of $259,769, and ended the period with a balance on hand of $268,457. The candidate has loaned his campaign $275,000.

A review of this report shows the following contributions of interest: Michael McWherter contributed $1,000. Mike McWherter is the son of former Governor Ned McWherter and 2010 Democrat nominee for Governor.  Note that Mike McWherter also gave $1,000 to Megan Barry. I do not understand why a contributor gives money to multiple candidates seeking the same office. I guess if you contribute a thousand dollars to a candidate you get access no matter who wins.

Craig Johnson, President of R. G. Anderson Company donated $1,000 and Gail Johnson of the same address, $1,000; Michael Hodges, President of Advance Financial the payday loan company, $1,500; Rakesh Aggarwal, $500; Bone for State Representative, $2,534; Jonathan Wing with the District Public Defenders Office, $500; Moore Entertainment PAC, $7,500; Peter Heidenreich, former Director of Nashville's Public Works Department, now a lobbyist with Hall Strategies, who has also contributed to other campaigns, $250 additional for an aggregate contribution of $500;  Elizabeth Biven a lobbyist with Clark Bivens Government Relations, $450; Metro Council member Ronnie Steine, an additional $250 for an aggregate of $500; CORPAC whose chairman is Brackney Reed, who is also the COO of Gresham, Smith and Partner, $500; H. Hill Realty PAC gave an additional $500 for an aggregate donation of $2,000; Garry McNabb owner of Cash Express, a payday loan company, $1,500; Fred Detwiller owner of DET Distributing, who has also contributed to the campaigns of other candidates for mayor, $1,500; James Hodges, President of Hodges Group of Portland, Tn, "a certiļ¬ed Women-Owned Small Business," $1,500 and Nancy Hodges listed as "Executive" with the Hodges Group with the same address, $700; AGC PAC of Memphis, $3,000;

The above is the only contributions of interest. He is not getting many single contributions of large amounts, not much out-of-state money, not a lot of money from lobbyist, not any money from the Court House crowd and no money from progressive activist or the Democrat establishment. He gets a lot of money from attorneys, but being an attorney I assume that is the people he knows and attorneys tend to contribute to political campaigns.  His contributors include independent insurance agents, owners of big construction companies, business consultants, people employed by investment companies, people who work for banks, people in the real estate profession, owners of engineering firms, architects, people in advertising, a few people in the music business or entertainment business, some CPA's, a few people in the medical field, a dentist, people with business interest as diverse as boats, tobacco, men's clothing, an electric company and a liquor store owner and people as wholesome as the Executive Director of the TN Future Farmers of America Foundation. Overall it is a pretty boring campaign financial report and that is a good thing. 

Below is my review of Mr. Bones initial financial report.

A review of Charles Robert Bone's financial disclosure report for the period ending 1/15/2015 does not show much of interest. He started the report period with $509,742 on hand, raised $250,224, spent $268,410, leaving $491,556 on hand.

He raised a lot of money from attorneys but being an attorney himself, that is not surprising. Attorney Dewey Brandstetter gave him $250. A lot of attorneys from the firm of Bone McAllester Norton contributed and several from the firm of Butler Snow, LLP.

One of his biggest contributors is Plumbers and Pipefitters which gave him $7,500.

He got money from a handful of contributions from out of state including $1,500 from Sarah Lowery of New York City, $700 from James Fox of Richardson Texas, $1,500 from Webb Sowden of Dallas Texas and $1,000 from Dustin Huffine of San Pedro CA.

Other interesting contributions are these: Ryman Hospitality PAC $1000, H.G. Hill Realty PAC $1,500, and Ron Gobble, President of Gobbell Hays Partners, Inc. $1,500.

I do not know many of the people contributing to his campaign, but others may. To view his campaign disclosure report, follow this link.

One thing interesting about the Bone disclosure is that all of his contributions were marked as contributions for the "primary election." There is no primary election. The August 7th election is a general election.

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