Sunday, May 24, 2015

Sign the petition to the Boy Scouts: Don't lift the ban on gay leaders!

Dear Rodney,

As an Eagle Scout, this hits close to home.  Boy Scouts of America President Robert

The Boy Scouts considers lifting a ban on homosexual scout leaders
Gates recently called the organization's centuries-old ban on homosexual scout leaders "unsustainable."

Despite the BSA's founding principles -- which call upon members be "morally straight" in the Scout Oath and "clean" in thought, word, and action -- the BSA is considering allowing homosexual leaders to go on overnight camping trips with boys. Sign our petition to the BSA:

Allowing openly homosexual scout leaders sets a bad moral example for impressionable youth and puts young scouts at risk. Boy Scouting is already in membership decline since the BSA's last policy change allowing openly gay boy scouts two years ago. Millions more faith-affiliated Scouting families will leave if this policy is changed too. According to many leaders, if this policy change is made, the Boy Scouts of America will cease to be a positive moral force in the United States.

Sign here: In order to protect Boy Scouts from unwholesome moral examples and uphold Scouting's founding principles, we must urge BSA President Robert Gates to use his influence to maintain the existing proscription. Send a message to the BSA now, before they take this tragic step!

Sign here:

Thanks for being a part of this movement, and for protecting the moral values that Scouting was based upon.

Josh Craddock and the entire CitizenGO team

P.S. Would you like to start your own petition? Watch this video about Teresa's story, and use CitizenGO to start changing the world!

My Comment: I signed the petition. Please sign. We should not offer an example to impressionable youth that homosexual activity is an acceptable behavior. The Boy Scouts should stand for traditional values and a firm moral code and not succumb to a contemporary politically correct moral relativism. The Scouts should not engage in normalizing deviant behavior.

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