Sunday, May 24, 2015

What Bill Freeman is saying to the African-American community. And just which canidadate is the Tea Party candidate?

From Tim Skow, Host of First Tuesday - By now you have seen a flood of Bill Freeman TV ads for Mayor.....touting "cotton candy platitudes" and how he wants to be good for all of Nashville. Yet, on radio stations known for their African-American audiences, Bill Freeman is playing ads [including the following] that are some of the most divisive ever heard in TN. Bill Freeman has hired the Campaign Manager used last year by ultra-Liberal New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. His ad says:

  "...and Bill Freeman was one of the first and and biggest supporters of Pres. Barack Obama and he's worked to stop the Tea Party's agenda."

Please... take a minute, click on the link above and listen to this ad. Realize, there isn't a single Tea Party candidate in the race ! Mr. Freeman is simply "baiting" this targeted minority audience !

When Bill Freeman spoke at 1ST TUESDAY, he said he believes Mr. Obama is the best President in recent history ! [ its on video! ]

I'd appreciate you taking a moment to forward this to those you know who care about Nashville's future.

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