Sunday, June 28, 2015

Bill Freeman makes a LOT of $$, but all of the mayoral canididates do OK.

The Tennesssean had an article this morning reporting on the results of an examination of the tax return of all of the mayoral candidates.  All of the candidates voluntarily released their income tax returns. All except Howard Gentry are married and filed joint returns, so the income is for both husband and wife except for Gentry. Here is the adjusted gross income for each of the candidates ranked from most income to least:

Bill Feeman: $2,412,451
Linda Eskind Rebrovick: $963,883
David Fox: $643,254
Charles Robert Bone: $255,282
Megan Barry: $243,144
Jeremy Kane: $227,596
Howard Gentry: $130,522
 Bill Freeman make a lot of money and all of them make a lot more than the average person.  I don't really think that is important and is not one of the criteria that would influence me in determining for whom I vote. However I do like knowing, just in a nosy sort of curious way, not that I think it is an important fact.  To read the full Tennessean article follow this link.

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