Sunday, June 28, 2015

By what authority were our Second Amendment and Fourth Amendment rights taken away for a July 4th celebration?

The following was posted to Facebook by former Councilman Randy Foster:

The following are among the posted rules for the July 4th event downtown in downtown Nashville: "Will my personal items be searched? All personal items are subject to search. Random searches will occur." Pray tell me who has authorized the suspension of the 4th Amendment and upon what basis? What are the bounds of the affected zone?
I also note that the online rules state: "No Guns, Knives, Other Weapons or Dangerous Devices of Any Kind." How is this consistent with Tennessee's laws on carrying firearms? Will carrying my pocketknife be criminal? Upon what basis is this being done, and just what are the limits of the cutlery exclusion zone?
Just wondering...
Friends on the Metro Council, can you make inquiry on my behalf and, perhaps, enlighten me?
Good question! By what authority were our Second Amendment and Fourth Amendment rights taken away? 

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