Monday, June 08, 2015

"Head-to-head" meetings of candidates for Mayor at First Tuesday June 9th

From Tim Skow:

1ST TUESDAY members and friends

David Fox
Howard Gentry
 After 2 major television debates, and the Tennessean profiles of each candidate coming out, 1ST TUESDAY's CANDIDATES for MAYOR -- the PRIMARY concludes Tuesday, June 9th. [ profiles follow ]

Joining us will be The Honorable Howard Gentry, Nashville's former Vice-Mayor.

 David Fox whose major ad campaign started this week has kindly agreed to return to share the stage with Mr. Gentry in our "head-to-head" meetings of candidates!

1ST TUESDAY members attending the prior 2 head-to-head candidate-contenders lunches know they have been "news-worthy" to say the least!

Respected political prognosticators now expect at least 1 of these men to be in September's run-off!

In short....with the direction of city at stake....and the impact Nashville has on the surrounding counties in play... this lunch on June 9th is 1ST TUESDAY lunch you simply DO NOT WANT to miss!

As usual, we will meet at Waller Law - 511 Union 27th floor. Doors open at 11am and both candidates are slated to be there shortly after that. Lunch starts at 11:30 and is $20 for Members &$25 for Guests. Secure seating for you and your guests at

Remember - parking under the building at Waller is $5 if you tell them you've been to lunch at 1ST TUESDAY ! Get you seats, invite friends and spread the word ! See you when Mr. Gentry and Mr. Fox join us June 9th! Look forward to seeing you then!

Tim Skow, Host of 1ST TUESDAY PS -- link to Tennessean candidates profile

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