Thursday, June 11, 2015

How council members voted on the downtown flood wall, Jefferson St. police hdqrs, and Antioch jail relocation

On Tuesday night, the Metro Council voted to strip from the Capital Improvements Budget three controversial projects proposed by Mayor Karl Dean.  For once I was very proud of our Council. In my view, all three projects are misguided, rushed, and were pushed without vetting.  You can read more about this on blog posts that follow this post.

A vote to abstain is actually pushing a button to "abstain" from voting. Not voting could be that one was absent for the meeting, that part of the meeting, on a bathroom break, or simply did not push a button, however everyone in the room is instructed by the chair to vote, which may include a vote to abstain. 

Here is how the council members voted on each of the projects:

To remove the downtown flood wall from the Capital Improvements budget. It passed and was removed by a vote of 19 to 18 with 2 abstentions:

Voting "yes" to remove:  Tim Garrett, Charlie Tygard, Frank Harrison, Walter Hunt, Doug Pardue, Larry Hagar, Josh Stites, Bruce Stanley, Phil Claiborne, Tony Tenpenny, Jason Holleman, Davette Blalock, Duane Dominy, Karen Johnson, Jason Potts, Jacobia Dowell, Robert Duvall, Carter Todd, Bo Mitchell.
Voting "no," against the amendment to remove: Megan Barry, Ronnie Steine, Lonnell Matthews Jr., Brady Banks, Scott Davis, Peter Westerholm, Anthony Davis, Karen Bennett, Bill Pridemore, Steve Glover, Sandra Moore, Burkley Allen, Erica Gilmore, Buddy Baker, Edith Langster, Sheri Weiner, Emily Evans, Chris Harmon.
Abstained: Jerry Maynard, Fabian Bedne.  Not Voting (1): Sean McGuire
To remove the construction of a new consolidated jail in Antioch from the Capital Improvements Budget. It passed and was removed by a vote of 19 to 17 with 2 abstentions.
Voting "yes" to remove: Megan Barry, Tim Garrett, Lonnell Matthews Jr., Frank Harrison, Walter Hunt, Josh Stites, Tony Tenpenny, Erica Gilmore, Jason Holleman, Chris Harmon, Davette Blalock, Duane Dominy, Karen Johnson, Josh Potts, Fabian Bedne, Jacobia Dowell, Robert Duvall, Carter Todd, Bo Mitchell.
Voting "no" against the amendment to remove: Ronnie Steine, Charlie Tygard, Jerry Maynard, Brady Banks, Scott Davis, Peter Westerholm, Anthony Davis, Karen Bennett, Bill Pridmore, Doug Pardue, Larry Hagar, Steve Glover, Bruce Stanley, Buddy Baker, Edith Langster, Sheri Weiner, Emily Evans.
Abstained: Sandra Moore, Burkley Allen. Not Voting: Phil Claiborne, Sean McGuire
To remove the construction of a new police headquarters on Jefferson Street from the Capital Improvements Budget. It passed and was removed by a vote of 22 to 14 with 2 abstentions: 

Voting "yes" to remove: Megan Barry, Tim Garrett, Charlie Tygard, Lonnell Matthews Jr., Frank Harrison, Walter Hunt, Scott Davis, Doug Pardue, Josh Stites, Tony Tenpenny, Burkley Allen, Erica Gilmore, Sheri Weiner, Chris Harmon, Davette Blalock, Duane Dominy, Karen Johnson, Jason Potts, Fabian Bedne, Jacobia Dowell, Robert Duvall, Carter Todd
Voting "no" against the amendment to remove: Ronnie Steine, Jerry Maynard, Brady Banks, Peter Westerholm, Karen Bennett, Bill Pridmore, Larry Hagar, Steve Glover, Bruce Stanley, Sandra Moore, Buddy Baker, Edith Langster, Emily Evans, Bo Mitchell
Abstained (2): Anthony Davis, Jason Holleman. Not Voting (2): Phil Claiborne, Sean McGuire
I have highlighted a few names to call attention to how they voted. Most of those who voted for removal of these items from the Capital Improvements Budget are those that I think of as the "good" councilmen. There are no permanent coalitions in the council and no political parties, but there are about a dozen people who are either Republicans, conservatives, or common sense moderate Democrats who usually vote the right way, not as often as I would like but quite often. Whether it is a vote on the AMP, or the Fair Grounds, or some pocketbook issues people like Robert Duvall, Duane Dominy, Josh Stites, Tony Tenpenny, Davette Blalock, Tim Garrett, and Chalie Tygard can usually be counted on to be on the right side of the issue. The names I have highlighted in yellow are people who are often thought of as in that camp, as the fiscally conservative or "good" council members who have disappointing me by their vote on this issue.

Megan Barry is highlighted to call attention to her vote, not that I ever expect her to vote the right way on a controversial matter. As a candidate for mayor, I am sure she voted the way the Chamber of Commerce wanted her to vote, but this vote could be exploited by her opponents to her detriment.

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