Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Nashville crowd passionately debates flood, jail plans

The Tennessean, June 2, by Joey Garrison  - Nashvillians had their say Tuesday on three controversial city projects that Karl Dean is struggling to pass as he enters his final few months in the mayor's office. 
They had a lot to talk about, underscoring the climb the mayor faces for approval.
For about three hours Tuesday night, residents took the microphone at a Metro Council public hearing that saw passionate debate on proposals to build a $100 million downtown flood wall and protection system, consolidate the city's jails to a new $110 million facility in Southeast Nashville and build a $23 million police headquarters on Jefferson Street in North Nashville. (To read the rest of the story follow this link, however The Tennessean has finally built a pay wall to keep out freeloaders so only subscribers and read it.)
To summarize the rest to the story, Duane Dominy led the effort to stop the jail from locating to Antioch, Phil Clairborne is leading the effort to stop the floodwall and Eric Gilmore is supporting efforts to stop the police headquarter from locating on Jefferson. They plan to offer amendments removing these projects. Most people who spoke at the hearings spoke on these three projects. Not many people spoke on the operating budget.

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