Monday, June 22, 2015

NashvilleNext is a done deal. Now, we will find out what it means.

Press Release from Craig Owensby of the Planning Commission - The plan is the result of three years of planning and community engagement, including guidance from issue-specific committees of local leaders and experts. The public engagement process has included more than 420 meetings and presentations and more than 18,500 participants. All of the input has been directed toward anticipating future growth, creating stronger communities and maintaining our quality of life by deciding where and how we grow. 

Community engagement in NashvilleNext involved a multistep process that asked Nashvillians about their hopes for the future and asked Nashvillians what land to preserve and develop to achieve their vision. A draft plan was made available to the public in late March, and comments and amendments were accepted through June 15. At a public hearing last week, the Commission heard amendments and comments from more than 60 Nashvillians. The general direction of the plan includes: 

  •  Protecting and restoring Davidson County’s natural and rural areas 
  • Creating a more robust transit network 
  • Encouraging housing affordability and the de-concentration of poverty 
  • Encouraging new development in walkable centers and along corridors while preserving the character of existing neighborhoods 
  • Guiding growth to make Nashville welcoming for new residents and improving quality of life for existing Nashvillians 
The plan also provides guidance in the areas of Education and Youth, Arts and Culture, and Economic and Workforce Development. FOR MORE INFORMATION on NashvilleNext, call (615) 862-NEXT (6398) or email You can also keep up with NashvilleNext on Facebook and Twitter.

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