Sunday, August 16, 2015

Boots & Jeans, BBQ & Beans with Gov. Scott Walker, Sunday, Aug. 23rd.

9th Annual Boots & Jeans, BBQ & Beans

State Senator Jack Johnson

Sunday, August 23, 2015 from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM (CDT)

I have attended these events on three previous occasions. They are a lot of fun. Last year's guest speaker was Governor Bobby Jindal.

I don't know if Senator Jack Johnson will be performing or not, but in addition to being a great senator he is a great entertainer. He performs with the Austin Brothers band. If you like the music of Ray Price and Merle Haggard, you will love this band. They have performed in the past and I hope they perform again this year. The food is good and it is just a fun time.

I have seen Governor Scott Walker speak once before and he is someone you do not want to miss. In a crowded Republican field for the nomination he is currently among the top three contenders. He very well could be the next President of the United States.

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