Sunday, July 12, 2015

David Fox won the Nashville GOP Straw Poll for Mayor.

I was unable to attend the annual Davidson County Republican Party picnic today, but I understand that David Fox won the straw poll.

For vice mayor, Tim Garrett got 126 votes to 120 for David Briley.

On the question of reducing the size of the metro council, 138 voted "yes," and 130 voted "no."

Receiving the Winfield Dunn Statesman of the Year award is Tony Roberts. This is an award for the volunteer who has done most to advance the cause of the Davidson County Republican Party. Tony Roberts is well deserving of this award. He heads the Conservative Groups organization and the Republican Minority Coalition. His focus has been to bring other groups and individuals into the Republican Party. He has helped the party reach out to disaffected Democrats, libertarians, Egyptian Coptic Christians, Hispanics, African-Americans, Asians, and Latinos.  Previous recipients of this award have been Rod Williams (that's me), Tootie Haskins, and Pat Carl. I am relying on memory and hope I have not missed anyone. Congratulations Tony!

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