Sunday, July 12, 2015

After the Davidson County GOP "picnic," you may want to go on down to the Williamson County Green's Grocery event.

I just learned last night that the picnic will not going to be serving Whit's Barbeque with all of the side items as in years past.  There will be watermelon and ice cream, so don't go hungry. I know this is late notice, since the picnic starts soon, but I thought I would try to post this so if you do read it, you will not get there and be disappointed.

I don't know what obstacles the committee that planned the picnic ran into or what their reasoning was in having a picnic without food. I am hesitant to criticize. I have served on committee's where one planned events and after doing the best you can do, it is disheartening to be criticized. But, it the picnic was not going to have food, maybe they should have invited and arranged for food trucks to be available, or if that was not possible, maybe they should have called it a "watermelon and ice cream social;" not a picnic.

I had planned to attend but my personal situation of caring for my sick wife will prohibit me from going. I do not have a weekend care giver and I was going to take her, but she had a bad night last night and it is a lot of work to get her ready and take her someplace especially if she is in a cranky mood and she did not sleep much last night, so I know she would not be in the best of mood.  I would have been disappointed if I would have made the effort to go and then got there to discover the picnic did not have food. I sort of expect food at a picnic.

If you go and are hungry and also would like more Republican camaraderie, there is a Republican gathering in  neighboring county Williamson County. You can show up at the Davidson County "picnic," visit a while, have a piece of watermelon, vote in the straw poll then head to Leiper's Fork. Here is the announcement:
Local, state, and Congressional politicians will speak Sunday, July 12, at a Williamson County Republican Party meeting.
U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn, State Sen. Jack Johnson, and State Reps. Glen Casada, Jeremy Durham and Charles Sargent will speak at 4 p.m. at Green's Grocery in Leiper's Fork. The event will be held for community Republicans and those interested in joining the party.
The Austin Brothers Band, featuring Johnson, will perform for the crowd after the meeting. Ribs, chicken-on-a-stick and burgers will be available for purchase from the grill. Family-friendly games and activities also will available in the backyard.
"Sunday's event is an opportunity to get our Republican family together for a casual evening, and we welcome individuals and families throughout the county to join us, even if you aren't typically politically involved in the community," WCRP Chairman Julie Taleghani said.
Green's Grocery is a restored store located at 4345 Old Hillsboro Road.
That sounds like a lot of fun! Jack Johnson is not only a great state Senator but a great county music performer. If you like music like that of Ray Price or Merle Haggard, you will love his band. I know this is a Williamson County event, but if I was going to be out, I would be tempted to crash the party.

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