Friday, July 10, 2015

Jeremy Kane panders to Seniors

Press release - Jeremy Kane’s campaign for mayor today announced his ambitious plan to make seniors a priority as mayor. His latest TV ad, unveiled today, highlights his commitment to prioritizing seniors and the issues that matter most to them.

Since his announcement in October, and at over fifty debates and forums, Kane has shared his ideas to make seniors a priority. With the release of his plan today, Kane continues to be the only candidate focused on making our seniors a priority.

“While our city is thriving, many senior citizens are being left behind. As your next Mayor, I plan to change that and it begins with making our seniors a priority. My plan brings innovative solutions to ensure they have the full support of our government and better coordination with our non-profit groups who care for and serve them. When I’m mayor, no one will ever question my commitment to those who helped make Nashville the city we love.”

Kane’s plan highlights four priorities: increasing the local match for the property tax abatement program for seniors struggling with rising property taxes; a rapid response team within his Office of Neighborhoods, Non-profits, and Faith to coordinate resources within government and our non-profit sector to increase outreach to our city’s growing aging population; increased funding for the Police Department and District Attorney’s Office to prevent, investigate, and prosecute elder abuse; and support for innovative transportation options that incorporate universal design and assistive technologies, to help serve the unique challenges of our aging population.
I thought millennials, women, children,  LGBTQs, small business owners, Hispanics, Blacks, minorities, single mothers, immigrants, crime, schools, and neighborhoods were going to be priorities? I get it. We are a priority; not the priority. How many priorities can you have? Doesn't it seem that if everything is a priority, then really nothing is a priority?  As a senior citizen, I want to know where will I rank in your list of priorities? Will seniors rank higher than LGBTQ?  Will we seniors rank higher than millennials? Will seniors rank higher than education?  I want to see a ranking!

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