Friday, July 24, 2015

Join me in Columbus, Ohio for the Defending the American Dream Summit, August 20- 22.


Last year I missed the trip to Dallas for the Defending the American Dream Summit. Given unforeseen circumstances related to my wife's health, I intend to go to this one! I have already been awarded a scholarship.  With a scholarship, for only $29 one can attend the conference including the event, lodging, travel and most meals. We will be traveling on a chartered bus which will be a great opportunity to network and enjoy the company of local like-minded people. At the conference, one will hear speeches from most of the Republican presidential candidates. In addition there are several break-out sessions on how to be a better activist and various other topics. Schlorships are still available. To sign up, follow this link:

For more information see Americans for Prosperity - Tennessee.  

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