Saturday, July 11, 2015

Republican Party Picnic this Saturday!

The Davidson County Republican Party will hold its annual picnic this Sunday, July 12th, from 2:00 pm until 4:00 at the band shell picnic shelter at the rear of the park (not the band shell) in Centennial Park.  The picnic will include a straw poll, the presentation of the Winfield Dunn Leadership Award and comments from each of the Mayoral candidates. 

Davidson County Republican Party Chair Bob Reis noted "In 2007 it was the Republican vote that determined the outcome of the Mayor's race and that will be true again in 2015.  The candidate who makes the best case for her or his positions on issues like managing Nashville's growth, developing a sensible and affordable transit policy and restoring fiscal discipline to the city's budget and debt will have a major advantage in making the runoff and winning in September.   

Cost for the picnic is $10 per person or $20 for families.  

Tickets are available at the door.  

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