Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Tennessee drunk-driving campaign offends women, critics say. Well here's a song for you.

Tennessee drunk-driving campaign offends women, critics say. I say this is a pretty clever campaign myself. What better way to remind guys of how drinking distorts your judgement than to remind them of how their judgement regarding women deteriorates the more they have had to drink. And the target audience, those most likely to drive drunk, are men drinking in a bar. This campaign is not the first time this concept that alcohol causes impaired judgement and perception of women has been used. Here's a good song to illustrate the point.

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1 comment:

  1. If you ask me, I don’t see it being so much offensive to women or anyone. However, I think such campaigns are quite necessary to create awareness among the masses. My brother work with a DUI lawyer and we have seen how disastrous drunk driving can get.
