Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Trump win Davidson County GOP straw poll

What!! I was unable to attend the Davidson County Republican Party picnic this years. I was told who won the straw poll for mayor (David Fox) and vice Mayor (Tim Garrett) and who received the Winfield Dunn Statesman of the year award (Tony Roberts), but no one told me the outcome of the Presidential preference poll and I just now learned of the outcome.

I am shocked. I thought Rand Paul would do well because his supporters are so dogmatic they go to events with straw polls just to influence the outcome.  I would not be surprised if he would have won.  I also thought Jeb Bush or Chris Christie would do well because there is a strong establishment moderate faction in the Davidson County Party. Also, Jeb Bush was the speaker at this years TN GOP Statesman's Dinner. I also thought Ted Cruz might do well, or maybe Marco Rubio because they are popular among the tea party segment.  I would not have been surprised if Cruz would have won. But, Donald Trump? I did not see that coming!  I think he is a joke! He is a carnival barker! I guess I do not have my finger on the pulse of the Davidson County Republican Party.

To read about it, follow this link.

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