Friday, August 28, 2015

Beacon Center Forms Legal Foundation, Files First Lawsuit challenging Nashville's Airbnb regs

Press release- In a major development, the Beacon Center today announced the formation of a brand new litigation arm, the Beacon Center Legal Foundation, and filed its first lawsuit. The Beacon Center is suing the city of Nashville on behalf of P.J. and Rachel Anderson. They are challenging unconstitutional regulations the city has placed on their ability to rent their home on Airbnb, a website that connects homeowners like them with guests visiting Nashville. 

At the heart of the issue is an arbitrary 3% cap on short term rental properties in each Nashville census tract. P.J and Rachel are seeking a ruling that will force Nashville government to cease enforcing the arbitrary cap, the outright bans on advertising and signage, and the requirement that they turn over their guests' records to the government.
You can read the story of Rachel and P.J. here.

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