Saturday, August 29, 2015

Donald Trump's visit to Nashville

Donald Trump will decide soon whether to mount a third party bid if he loses the Republican nomination for president, the real estate mogul said Saturday.
"I think over the next couple of weeks you're going to see some things that are very interesting," Trump said after a speech in Nashville to a gathering of tea party activists.
"We're going to make a decision very soon," he added, "and I think a lot of people are going to be very happy."
Trump has so far refused to pledge to support the eventual Republican nominee, saying his refusal to commit gains him leverage over the party establishment, which has been caught off-guard by his early dominance in the race. He's also said repeatedly that he'd prefer to run as a Republican as long as the party treats him fairly.
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Trump, photo by Rick Williams
Personally, I am not on board with Trump. I think he is a carnival barker promoting Donald Trump and I doubt his devotion to conservative principles.

However, if I was not limited in my ability to go to events due to my caregiver responsibilities, I would have attended this event.

This is the Facebook report and pictures from my friend Rick Williams, a conservative Democrat who is in the slow process of making the transition to becoming a Republican. Rick is chairman of the Save our Fairgrounds group:
Good Morning To All My Facebook Friends, I am sad I had to miss the monthly John A's Community Breakfast at his Music Valley Night Club, John A's this morning. But it was important to me to come and listen to Donald Trump this morning at Rocket Town on 4th Avenue South. I TRUELY FEEL he is speaking for the middle class of America. The reason we have
Donald Trump, photo by Rick Williams
such a low turn out for elections is because most people think nothing will change. Donald Trump gives hope to the Middle Class that things will change if he is elected. He will draw from both parties and his campaign will encourage people who have given up to get back involved and voting. I also believe this movement is real and will last. Please take time to look at what he is saying.
Your Friend to All,
Rick Williams
Councilman  Fabian Bedne, who actually I think is one of the better Councilmen- not one of the "good" councilman, but he is responsive, thoughtful, and attends committee meetings and returns phone calls. He wrote:
By Lauri Day
Before I head downtown to protest all the lies and falsehoods that Trump and Santorum are going to spew today I figure I do a pre-emptive post with the top lies that have been said already by candidates. It gets so old to argue a negative but we have to try because in the meantime the environment gets dangerously toxic for all immigrants. Please share if you can. (I am not posting his list of 'top lies' you can find him on Facebook it you care.)

B. J. and Ed Zigler, photo by Lonnie Spivak

This is from Tami Kilmarx, a conservative activist and formerly Chair of Tennessee Tea Party:
I will say observation I did make today (and I wasn't there but a few hours to, admittedly, hear Mr. Trump on behalf of our son. I also really like Mr. Trump and have for years).....I took definite note of who of our elected employees were there (state and federal)....and that wasn't hard. Sen. Mae Beavers, Rep. Sheila K. Butt, Rep. Courtney Rogers, and Congressman Marsha Blackburn (who somehow made herself available to introduce Mr Trump....which was a bit of a head-scratcher for me, admittedly.)
I would like to understand why more of our representatives don't make themselves available to the REAL conservative Republican Party (Tennessee Republican Assembly)....and I should think when you have a front-runner presidential candidate who is come to Nashville, you would be here to greet him.
I just it barely possible that many don't truly care about what the grassroots think? Do you not care that that event today was FULL of young people? Very VERY young people, most of whom are not yet old enough to vote but who are showing great interest in what is happening now? That really, there is a palpable sense of HOPE and EXCITEMENT in the air about this election....MORE THAN I HAVE EVEN FELT IN A LONG LONG TIME....regardless of how you feel about Donald Trump or the TRA....or any of the rest of it?
I would say a great many of you...Republicans, Legislators, elected ones....really missed out on something very VERY GREAT and important. You just missed it and you don't get it....and it is really very sad to me....Worse still, it is our...Tennessee's....great loss....because you missed the young people....ALL THOSE YOUNG PEOPLE....and all that excitement.
Davette Blalock and The Donald
Sharon Ford....GREAT JOB HONEY!
State Rep. Sheila Butts had this to say:
 I have just listened to Donald Trump and understand completely why he resonates with the American people! I so enjoyed his comments and his winning attitude. I love that he builds things. I love that he puts the media in its place. However, every voter needs to seriously consider their vote in this upcoming election. I could not agree with him that his sister would make a great Supreme Court Justice:
 Here is a CNN report:  Donald Trump courts tea party at Nashville straw poll
Nashville, Tennessee (CNN)Donald Trump took his colorful campaign to Nashville on Saturday, where he courted a constituency that some say he is tailor-made for: the tea party.
He competed in a presidential straw poll here -- winning handily with 52% of the vote -- and addressed the National Federation of Republican Assemblies, a group that boasts it was "the tea party before there was a tea party."
Trump's appearance was highly anticipated at the conservative gathering: As a candidate, he's hitting the same notes -- anger at conventional politics, contempt for Washington and distrust of special interests and lobbyists -- that propelled the tea party movement in 2010.
Donald Trump will decide soon whether to mount a third party bid if he loses the Republican nomination for president, the real estate mogul said Saturday.
"I think over the next couple of weeks you're going to see some things that are very interesting," Trump said after a speech in Nashville to a gathering of tea party activists.
"We're going to make a decision very soon," he added, "and I think a lot of people are going to be very happy."
Trump has so far refused to pledge to support the eventual Republican nominee, saying his refusal to commit gains him leverage over the party establishment, which has been caught off-guard by his early dominance in the race. He's also said repeatedly that he'd prefer to run as a Republican as long as the party treats him fairly.
- See more at:
Donald Trump will decide soon whether to mount a third party bid if he loses the Republican nomination for president, the real estate mogul said Saturday.
"I think over the next couple of weeks you're going to see some things that are very interesting," Trump said after a speech in Nashville to a gathering of tea party activists.
"We're going to make a decision very soon," he added, "and I think a lot of people are going to be very happy."
Trump has so far refused to pledge to support the eventual Republican nominee, saying his refusal to commit gains him leverage over the party establishment, which has been caught off-guard by his early dominance in the race. He's also said repeatedly that he'd prefer to run as a Republican as long as the party treats him fairly.
- See more at:
Donald Trump will decide soon whether to mount a third party bid if he loses the Republican nomination for president, the real estate mogul said Saturday.
"I think over the next couple of weeks you're going to see some things that are very interesting," Trump said after a speech in Nashville to a gathering of tea party activists.
"We're going to make a decision very soon," he added, "and I think a lot of people are going to be very happy."
Trump has so far refused to pledge to support the eventual Republican nominee, saying his refusal to commit gains him leverage over the party establishment, which has been caught off-guard by his early dominance in the race. He's also said repeatedly that he'd prefer to run as a Republican as long as the party treats him fairly.
- See more at:
Donald Trump courts tea party voters in Nashville
Donald Trump courts tea party voters in Nashville
Donald Trump will decide soon whether to mount a third party bid if he loses the Republican nomination for president, the real estate mogul said Saturday.
"I think over the next couple of weeks you're going to see some things that are very interesting," Trump said after a speech in Nashville to a gathering of tea party activists.
- See more at:

Donald Trump courts tea party voters in Nashville
Here is a video of a portion of his speech:

Here he is leaving Rocket Town:

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