Thursday, August 27, 2015

Former mayoral candidate Jeremy Kane endorses David Fox

Fox, left, listens as Jeremy Kane announces his endorsement.
This afternoon, former mayoral candidate Jeremy Kane endorsed David Fox for mayor. They made the  announcement at about 2 p.m. at the James C. Cayce Homes public housing complex in east Nashville off Shelby Street.

“This was a tough decision for me,” said Kane. “On August 7, I obviously became an undecided voter and I really wanted to take my time and think about this. Ultimately the decision came down to looking at the issues I cared most about,” he said. “For me, this is a personal decision. I’ve been impressed throughout this campaign by what he’s stood for, the issues he’s pushed to the forefront, and so ultimately, this became a very easy decision that not only did I want to vote for David but come out publicly and show my support for him,” he explained.

"Jeremy Kane brought tremendous compassion and intellect to his campaign for mayor," said Fox. "I am honored by his endorsement and his willingness to share his talents and energy with Fox for Nashville."

Jeremy Kane and David Fox share a commitment to education excellence and improving education in Nashville and to advancing school choice.

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