Monday, August 24, 2015

Fox needs volunteers!

Dear Team Fox,

It's crunch time for Fox-y volunteers! We have immediate and urgent need for cheerful folks at early voting, as early as tomorrow!

Can you volunteer to wave signs at the polls any of these times?
 1. Monday, Aug. 24 through Wednesday, Aug 26, downtown at Howard Building, 700 2nd Avenue South? Critical shifts are 8-10 am and 4-6 pm.
2. Thursday, Aug. 27 through Saturday, Sept. 5, we need folks at ten satellite locations (GH, BM, Bellevue Hermitage, Madison, etc.). Critical shifts are 8-10 am and 4-6 pm. (See the attached graphic for locations and poll schedule.)

To volunteer for these critical times, please email Ann Shayne at or text her at 615-473-4975. Bring a folding chair, water and a buddy! Bring your yard sign and wear your T-shirt. We can get you signs and shirts if you don’t already have them. We've been hanging out across the driveway from the glass doors entrance to the Howard Bldg voting station, so people see us as they walk in. (Remember, always respect the 100 ft boundary, and don't wear your Fox-y paraphernalia when you're actually voting.)

Thank you sharing your enthusiasm for Team Fox!
 Carrington and Ann

P.S. Please forward to friends. The more the merrier! Let's get out the vote!!!!

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