Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Public Meetings on the future of Nasvhille transit system, Scheduled for Aug. 11 and 12. My Plan for Transit.

Public Meetings Scheduled for Aug. 11 and 12, Join Nashville MTA/RTA for a public discussion on the future of Nashville’s transit system at the East Park Community Center on Tuesday, Aug. 11, and the Downtown Nashville Public Library on Wednesday, Aug. 12.

Nashville MTA/RTA will present a draft of the project’s guiding principles and potential improvement solutions for the system for your review and input. We need to hear from you as we make decisions about what strategies we should consider to improve the region’s transit system. We hope to see you there. Tuesday, Aug. 11 5:30 to 7 p.m. East Park Community Center 600 Woodland St. (Accessible by bus routes 20, 25, 26 and 30) Wednesday, Aug. 12 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nashville Public Library Main Branch 615 Church Street (Accessible by bus routes 2, 3, 5, 7 and 8) Be sure to visit our events page for more upcoming events. If you’d like to have a Nashville MTA/RTA representative come to a meeting in your community, you can request a Transit Talk.

I have a detailed plan for transit improvements that I am forwarding to MTA/RTA. You can find my complete essay on the topic of transit at this link:  What to do about Mass Transit and traffic congestion . Here are some bullet point highlights:

  • Use the private sector to the largest extend possible.
  • Seek a unique solution and think outside the box. 
  • Create an environment that welcomes private solutions, competition and innovation instead of our current system that penalizes private solutions and innovation.
  • The Nashville Star has been a failure and is not a model to follow.
  • Not everyone minds their long commute- Don’t assume people want to give up their car and don't over promise.
  • Mass transit and planning for development should coincide and we need greater density to make mass transit successful. 
  • Promote what we already have. Express Regional bus service is a  bargain. Advertise.
  • Use Technology, synchronize lights, build roundabouts,  pedestrian passageways and make Nashville more walkable.

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