Thursday, August 27, 2015

Save Our Fairgrounds endorses David Fox

Duane Dominy, a Metro councilman and vice chairman of Save Our Fairgrounds,
 second from left, announces his group's endorsement of David Fox, 
whose wife, Carrington Fox, is at left.(Photo: Joey Garrison / Tennessean)
by Joey Garrison, The Tennessean, August 25, 2015- ...Barry, a two-term Metro councilwoman, in 2011 voted for the demolition of the fairgrounds speedway, which lost by a narrow vote, foiling Mayor Karl Dean's push to redevelop the 117-acre site. ... Barry this year also voted for the appointment of a Dean nominee to the fair board who had been flagged by fairgrounds supporters for his past statements in support of razing the racetrack. The appointment also failed in the council. .....

"It's not a single vote," said Metro Councilman Duane Dominy, who serves as vice chairman of Save Our Fairgrounds. "It's vote after vote after vote. She has consistently voted against the best interests of this property.

"David understands that this city is made up of people who love this property as well as many areas across this city," he added. "David understands the way Nashville has grown and that our foundational principles are protected in the places that have been here all these years."
According to Dominy, Save Our Fairgrounds' board of directors voted unanimously Monday night to endorse Fox. (link)

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