Saturday, August 01, 2015

Tanaka Vercher plays the race card in responce to charges of failing to disclose a bankruptcy and more.

Tenaka Vercher
When all else fails, when you don't have the truth on your side and when one does not have ethics on your side, if you have it, you can still win an argument by playing the race card which can trump all other cards.  This week Tanaka Vercher  played the race card. 

Vercher is one of three candidates running for the 28th Council District seat being vacated by Duane Dominy. The other two candidates for that seat are Melissa Smithson and Daniel Lewis. Councilman Duane Dominy is supporting Melissa Smithson. 

On Sept. 15, 2006, Tanaka Vercher filed for bankruptcy and she failed to disclose that fact on a form filed with the Tennessee Ethics Commission. 

Much like divorce, bankruptcy is no longer considered a moral failing that should automatically disqualify one from seeking public office.  Everyone from Donald Trump to money management guru Dave Ramsey has had a bankruptcy and it has apparently not damaged their reputations. Still, I would prefer not entrusting my money or the public's money to someone who has had a bankruptcy.  My view is that if one can not manage their own finances, why should they be trusted with my money or the public's money.  In some profession one can not get or keep a license to practice their profession if they have had a bankruptcy.  In some professions, even if practicing the profession is not contingent upon having a state license, employers will not employ someone to work for them if they have had a bankruptcy.

Serving in the Metro Council involves making important decisions about what to do with public money.  Everyone must make the decision for themselves if they want to cast their vote for someone to serve on the Metro Council who has had a bankruptcy.  That may not be the only factor one uses in deciding who one will support for public office but it may be a factor.  It may be a factor if  one knows about it. 

On June 17th 2011 when Vercher filled out a disclosure form with the Tennessee Ethics Commission to run for public office she failed to disclose she had had a bankruptcy as required to do.  Vercher  was interviewed by News Channel 2 and she told them she was advised to answer "none" to the bankruptcy question by members of the ethics commission. Channel 2 contacted the ethics commissions and they said there is no way they would ever have told someone to falsify their ethics disclosure.

Vercher when questioned about her bankruptcy and failure to disclose it, said, “This is dirty politics,” and she said, “It’s a smear campaign.”  She could not deny it was true. She then accused Duane Dominy of being a racist. Dominy did not initiate the contract with channel 2 but was contracted by them for an interview. At first he declined but after he was attacked as being a racist by Vercher, he  agreed to speak to them about the information which was a matter of  public record.

The bankruptcy and failure to disclose it is is not the only ethical and legal problem in Ms Vercher's background. A 2006 judgement was rendered against Ms Vercher for selling a car to someone that had a lien on the title.  Ms Vercher did take the money management counseling required by law for someone getting a bankruptcy  but apparently did not learn much. There are several other judgements against Ms Vercher, filed since her bankruptcy including a judgement of $554 for failure to pay her homeowner's association dues.

You can watch the News Channel 2 report at this link: Allegations of bankruptcy discrepancies emerge in Nashville council race. 

Ok. I'm ready. Play the race card. 

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