Wednesday, August 19, 2015

TNGOP Statement Regarding Today's Joint Legislative Hearing on Planned Parenthood

Press Release, NASHVILLE, Tenn.--Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Ryan Haynes released the following statement regarding today's Joint Legislative Hearing into the activities of Planned Parenthood in Tennessee:

In light of the seven videos that have uncovered barbaric practices taking place at Planned Parenthood facilities nationwide, it is entirely appropriate for our legislators to scrutinize that organization’s activities in Tennessee. Given that we are discussing women’s health and human life, shouldn’t we know exactly what is happening in Tennessee? While the Democratic Party blindly supports Planned Parenthood regardless of what sick revelation comes out, Tennesseans are rightfully asking questions and deserve answers.

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1 comment:

  1. It's pretty OBVIOUS to most people that Planned "Parenthood" is principally an abortion BUSINESS...and a horrific one at that. As a taxpayer, I want this defunded.

