Thursday, September 10, 2015

Amy Frogge is continuing her war against Metro public charter schools. Why The Latest Flap Is About More Than A Book

School Board member Amy Frogge is continuing her war against Metro public charter schools, this time using the argument that a certain book selection used at Nashville Prep contains four-letter words and sex scenes and therefore the school, which is one of the top-performing schools in Nashville, should be shut down.  Nashville Public Radio explains in the piece below. For the rest of the story follow the link.

Why The Latest Flap Between School Board Member And Nashville Charter Is About More Than A Book

What appears to be a battle over an inappropriate book is really the latest skirmish in Nashville’s running feud over privately-operated, publicly-funded charter schools.

A seventh grade reading assignment resulted this week in calls for one of the city’s top-performing schools to close. Twelve-year-olds at Nashville Prep were reading City of Thieves. A parent alerted school board member Amy Frogge about the prevalence of four-letter words and sex scenes. Frogge then asked for the school district’s office overseeing charter schools to step in, telling them that Nashville Prep  "needs to be shut down."

“It really isn’t about a book," school founder Ravi Gupta says. "That’s a judgment call. We could debate it out, and we may never use that book again. But it’s about the fact that we went from a choice of a book to shutting down a school in a matter of hours.”

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