Monday, September 07, 2015

Dems Reach a New Low in Slimy Politics in Davidson County by Implying David Fox is a Racist

The Tennessee Democratic Party has reached a new low  in slimy politics in Davidson County by paying for an advertisement implying that David Fox is a racist who wants to bring back segregation. The ad in question is paid for by the Tennessee Democrat Party and not the Barry campaign although Megan Barry has not repudiated the ad. Barry is close friends with Mary Mancini, chair of the Tennessee Democratic Party.

The Tennessean and prominent Democrats had previously taken a high-minded pious position that criticized Republicans for supporting Fox in the non-partisan mayors race.  My name was printed in The Tennessean along with The Republican Minority Coalition, Dr. Ming Wang, Representative Glen Casada, Senator Jack Johnson and several other Republicans who were among those hosting a Fox fundraiser, implying that Fox was a Republican candidate for mayor and that Republicans were turning the mayor's race into a partisan contest. (See Ming Wang, area Republicans raise funds for David Fox.)

The Davidson County Republican Party, nor The Tennessee Republican Party, nor Davidson County Republican Senator Steve Dickerson, nor Nashville Republican Representative Beth Harwell have made endorsements in the non-partisan mayor's race while many prominent Democrats have endorsed Barry.  The Republican Party has not spend the first dime promoting the candidacy of David Fox. Now, the State Democratic Party has paid for this despicable ad accusing Fox of being a racist. It is not Republicans who have made the mayor's race partisan; Democrats have.

Ad paid for by Tennessee Democrat Party
and mailed to Black voters.

Not only have Democrats spend money in what is a non-partisan race but they have done so in the most  vile manner.  They are trying to appeal to Black voters by telling them that David Fox is a throw-back to the 1950's segregationist.  I assume they are hoping that most Black voters will not recall that it was Democrat governors and mayors across the South
who blocked school house doors and beat and jailed Blacks for attempting to register to vote or for not sitting in the back of the bus.  I assume they think Blacks are so ignorant that all they have to do is call someone a racist and Blacks will automatically vote for the other person.

No one should be stirring  the pot of racial animosity to pick up votes. No one should be accusing their opponent of being a racist unless they have a solid reason to believe that is true.  While I find it hard to believe that there was not coordination between the candidate Megan Barry and Dem chair Mary Mancini, if Megan Barry had an ounce of decency should would condemn such a race-baiting  appeal.

Read The Tennessean's report on this issue at this link: Democrats' ads evoke segregation in attacking David Fox
Here is the WSMV news coverage:
WSMV Channel 4

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